What is a Rock Home Satellite?
Are you looking for a Home Church? Why not start one?
“Why?” Millions of people need of a loving church family. The best way to evangelize and disciple people is church planting.
Starting a church is not easy: worship, messages, graphic design, leadership development, discipleship, accounting, training, procedures, websites, a mission, a vision, membership classes, a ministry model, etc.
Using the power of the Internet we are opening congregations of The Rock in homes everywhere. They’re called, ROCK HOME SATELLITES.
Our Mission: “Building Solid Lives”
The Way We Do It: Services, Discipleship and Rock Groups.
In Rock Home Satellites it looks like this:
· Meet in your home for Services.
· Participate in The Rock’s weekend service via the Internet.
· Worship, pray, hear the teaching of the word, and respond to the Lord right along with The Rock’s other congregations.
· Operation Solid Lives (OSL) is The Rock’s life-changing discipleship, and it’s used all over the world.
· Through OSLonline.com, you and your ministry team will offer the various levels of OSL.
· These classes also happen in the home, typically on Sunday afternoon or a weeknight.
· Rock Groups usually happen midweek.
· Rock Groups fellowship around God’s word, encourage and pray for one another
· Designed to multiply
Rock Home Satellites are designed to multiply, too.
With the help of people like you, God can build many solid lives through Rock Home Satellites. If you’re interested, you can click on “3 Steps to Start a RHS,” “More Information,” “Get Started,” or “FAQ.” I know that not everyone is called to start a RHS or even to join The Rock, but for those who are, welcome to the team!
Download video transcript here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Rock Home Satellites
What is a Rock Home Satellite?
Rock Home Satellites are groups of people who meet in homes or other places outside the geographic influence of a Rock congregation (+30 miles). They meet weekly and do not belong to a local church, but are instead a “house church” of The Rock.
How do you become a Rock Home Satellite?
Lead a Rock Group
Lead a Level 1 OSL Class in your home
Complete all leadership training
Complete an interview with a Rock Pastor
What is expected of a Rock Home Satellite?
Stream services of our Anaheim Campus and participate fully
Engage in Tithes and Offering via our online systems
Lead OSL Discipleship and Rock Groups throughout the week to build solid lives and a solid community of believers
What does a Rock Home Satellite receive?
Access to the complete discipleship system, Operation Solid Lives
Robust leadership training & opportunity to advance
An Elder/Coach to help you lead and be a source of relationship and connection
A solid connection to an anointed, international ministry
Administrative support to help you lead your site
Communication helps like invite card templates and fliers suited to the needs of a Rock Home Satellite.
Home Meetings and Services
Will RHS leaders stream video of Pastor Jerry?
Yes. RHS Leaders will logon for the entirety of the service, from beginning, through worship, giving and the Word to the end.
Logon to a livestreaming service at www.gototherock.com/watch
Do I have to meet on Sunday?
Not necessarily. Two items for clarity:
Recall that an RHS Leader is not a member of another local church.
If you are not livestreaming, you will need to watch an archived service or use one of the 5 DVDs (or downloadable videos).
What about Kids?
Yes! As an RHS site Leader, you are conducting a full-worship experience for the entire family, including children. One of our Diamond Standards is “The David Generation.” You will need to think through and plan for ministering to children at their level. Coaching and resources are available on the website as well as through your RHS Elder.
Should I provide refreshments (i.e. coffee, donuts or other snacks)?
It is recommended but not required. Some RHS sites have a rotation among members who will bring refreshments.
What if my Internet is down or I have some other technical issue?
In the event of internet outages, it is recommended that you utilize one of the 5 DVDs (or downloadable video files) of other services
In the event of internet failure, please contact your local internet provider
Do I have to do this every Sunday?
Just like any other church, on-going ministry is part of the ministry. When holidays fall on Sundays, you may discuss with your group whether or not to have a service, for instance during Christmas Day should it fall on a Sunday.
Know that at The Rock | Anaheim streaming services will be available for special services such as Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day should it fall on a Sunday.
Is Pastor Jerry the Senior Pastor over all RHS sites?
As an RHS Leader, am I part of a leadership team of The Rock?
Yes you are! You are a valued part of a team of shepherds overseeing the flock of God.
If I have a question about my RHS site, whom do I contact?
Every RHS leader will be assigned an elder who coaches and mentors the leader. The overwhelming majority of RHS elders are volunteers, but are deeply committed to your site’s success and your development and success as a leader. You will have the RHS Elder’s contact information. Phone calls and texts are returned within 12-18 hours; emails within 24-48 hours.
Am I a pastor? What do I call myself?
Your role description is Rock Home Satellite Leader. In our denomination, The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, holding the title “pastor” requires a licensing process.
While you are engaged in “pastoral” activities, only after receiving a ministerial license are you able to be recognized officially as a pastor.
When can we become a “campus” of The Rock?
Any RHS with visionary leadership can grow up to the level and strength of a local congregation of The Rock.
Your RHS Elder and Senior Elders will be the best ones to coach and help you assess your individual site’s situation and potential.
What is Foursquare? Are RHS sites Foursquare, too?
The Rock is a denominationally affiliated with The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. More information can be obtained here: www.foursquare.org
As all RHS sites are The Rock, all RHS sites are also Foursquare.
I need counsel on how to help someone at my RHS site? Whom can I call to help me?
Your RHS Elder is your primary resource
Are there any leadership teachings needed to be an RHS Leader?
Yes. After you complete the First Step (Lead aRock Group in your home) you will be given access to our online training as well as instructions.
Will there be other training opportunities to develop myself as a leader and my RHS site?
Yes. On-going training and enrichment will be provided for you as a leader as well as for the RHS site.
What is The Rock’s Discipleship System?
Operation Solid Lives is The Rock’s premier, world-renowned discipleship system. All RHS Leaders are required to complete Level 2 either at a Rock Campus, OSL Partner church or at oslonline.com.
Can I do OSL at our RHS site?
Yes! In fact, we ask that each site conduct at least 1 OSL class annually as a mid-week, small group study.
Are we required to record attendance?
Yes. You will be entering attendance at every meeting, Sundays and midweeks alike.
You will be trained during the course of your second and third steps.
Money & Finances
How is our time of giving handled?
As the streamed service transitions to a time of giving, the online audience is given instructions. Your Rock Home Satellites participates in giving in three ways:
SecureGive online app
Give at gototherock.com/give
Pre-ordered self-addressed envelopes from The Rock can be given to the members of an RHS. It is recommended that members mail their own individual contributions.
For your protection, no RHS Leader receives cash, checks, money orders or any other legal tender.
We aren’t “spirit-filled” (charismatic/Pentecostal). Can we still be an RHS?
A leader must affirm that they believe that the baptism with the Holy Spirit as in Acts 2, the manifestations of the Spirit described in 1 Corinthians 12, and the practice of speaking with tongues as in Acts 2 and 1 Corinthians 14:18, are still in effect today and that God desires every believer to be filled with the Spirit and experience these blessings.
It is required that each RHS site maintain home owners or renter’s insurance in order to give the leader sufficient legal coverage in the event of personal injury while on your property.